This Week at XO 09/12
LESS THEN 50 TICKET REMAIN! Come watch us for the end of year
The Crossover X is our annual anniversary showcase, and it’s finally time to celebrate properly! From 2010 to 2019 we’ve held this as our anniversary show, but due to lockdown we’ve had to delay the show three times. Now we’re ready to go and for the first time ever we will be holding it as an end of the year show!
A celebration of street dance styles, stage performance and the students and instructors of Crossover Dance, the XOX will showcase the hard work of numerous dancers from all across the studio and scene. Featuring over 200 dancers with pieces displaying Hop Hop, Popping, Choreo, Locking, Waacking, Contemporary and more, join us as we celebrate 10 years (and 11 and 12) of Crossover Dance. Enjoy!
Final tickets and more info available here:
LEVEL UP Waacking Intensives with Madfox
We’re excited to have Madfox from Melbourne back to teach another intensive workshop session at Crossover before she heads back! Let’s level up before the holidays for the new year!
3.5 hr Waacking Intensive Workshops
Wed 14th, Fri 16th, Sun 18th December
More info here:
XO Accepts Active and Creative Kids Vouchers
ServiceNSW offers $100 vouchers for physical and creative activies to all australian kids under 18! Crossover is able to accept these vouchers for classes into 2023, so as they are expiring soon, let us know if you’d like to use them to dance here! Email us for more info at info@crossoverdance.com