This Week at XO 28/02
Kpop Summit Performance Course | Trial classes start this week!
Want to learn dances and perform live on stage to your favourite kpop songs? Kpop Summit is back for 2023 and it’s your chance to take the stage! We have a host of both auditioned and open courses to suit all levels of dancer and our instructors will help teach you the movements, choreographies, formations and solos as you join each cover group! Then on the performance day, take all the skills you’ve learnt to shine on stage in our all Kpop Showcase!
More details and info here:
XO Collab Class | Carmen X Miku
Wed 8:15pm 1st March
It’s already full! But join the waitlist if you are keen!
Animation Workshop w Daniskool
2nd March | 8:05pm Thursday
Daniskool will be holding an Animation Workshop on the 2nd of March following which he will be running a 4 week course! Come learn some more about the style and imporve your skills with Daniskool!
Guest Cover Class | Ayril from Adelaide
Covering Whyan’s 6pm Beg and 7:05pm Int Friday 3rd
My style is very commercial-esque and is heavily influenced by feminine movements. I’ve been teaching classes in Adelaide for the past 3 years at Pure Funk Dance and have recently moved to Sydney.
I focus a lot on performance and having my students feel like the star of their own show which is all about execution and power.
House Workshop w Miaka
Tuesday 7th 8:15pm
Miaka (Mimi) is a freestyle dancer practicing predominantly house. She’s learned from dancers and movement artists from around the world. She focuses on building from the foundation of house towards freedom of movement and enjoyment of music.
Unification Day 23 Sem 1
April 8th 2023
Defending Battle Champions : SXP / MODsoc